Annual Fee Structure
Upwey-Tecoma Bowls club is a Community Hub where everyone is welcome to participate at a level that suits the individual regardless of age, gender, ability, background, or lifestyle. There are numerous levels of membership available, from those wanting to play pennant, simply play the occasional bowl or seeking to just enjoy the fun atmosphere of the club. Our club has a number of accredited coaches, who are always on hand to help you reach your full potential. You will receive regular updates on the many club events, functions, and player achievements. If you would like to get involved in the day to day, you may wish to volunteer for one of the vital committees. We know you will enjoy your time at UTBC and make many lifelong friends along the way.
Memberships are structured around different peoples lifestyles and aspirations.
Full Membership
(First time bowler/member $140)
Sign up as a full member and enjoy the many advantages available: 365-day use of the bowling greens. Practice anytime the greens are free. Allocation of a key to the entry gate and equipment box. Opportunity to participate in all club and region championship events. Able to play Saturday & Tuesday pennant teams and our Wednesday afternoon competition. Free team and individual coaching. Automatic invitation to all Social events. Discounted hire fee of greens, function room with “Member Bar” prices. Choose to volunteer on one of the many clubs’ committees and partake in decision making within the club
If you are a “first-time” bowler/member of any club, we have reduced the fee to $140 for the first 12 months to alleviate the initial costs of purchasing playing uniforms and bowls.
Associate Membership
Have an active membership of another club? Join as an associate member and enjoy:
365-day use of bowling greens. Practice anytime the greens are free. Allocation of key to the entry gate and equipment box.
Able to play in our Tuesday night pennant teams and Wednesday afternoon competition. Team coaching and free individual coaching. Automatic invitation to all Social events. Discounted hire fee of greens, function room with “Member Bar” prices.
Member Bar prices
Annual Fees $85.00
Youth Membership
(Until your 18th birthday)
Available to any bowler 17 years and under with 365-day use of bowling greens. Practice anytime the greens are free. Allocation of key to the entry gate and equipment box. Opportunity to participate in all club and region championship events. Able to play Saturday & Tuesday pennant teams and our Wednesday afternoon competition. Team coaching and free individual coaching. Automatic invitation to all Social events. Discounted hire fee of greens and function room. We are a good sport bowling club: Alcohol will not be served to underaged members or visitors.
Annual Fee: $85.00
Student Membership
(Until you finish full studies)
Available to any student 18 years and over and engaged in full time studies. You have 365-day use of bowling greens and practice anytime for free. Allocation of key to the entry gate and equipment box. Opportunity to participate in all club and region championship events. Able to play Saturday & Tuesday pennant teams and our Wednesday afternoon competition. Team coaching and free individual coaching. Automatic invitation to all Social events. Discounted hire fee of greens and rooms for function. We are a good sport bowling club: Alcohol will not be served to underaged members or visitors.
Annual Fee $85.00
Social Membership
Don’t want to bowl but would like to socialize with us?
Join as a social member and be invited to all our social events.
Utilise, the function rooms for a beverage when the rooms are open.
Why not come down and support our pennant teams during summer on a Saturday afternoon or Tuesday night.
Annual Fee $85.00